Artist’s impressions bring life to George Street transformation plans

THE City of Edinburgh Council has unveiled the final proposed concept designs for the transformation of George Street.

Artist’s impressions illustrate how the street and surrounding area could look by 2025, with widened pavements, landscaped spaces and a cycling thoroughfare.

The improvements are being delivered as part of a package of projects under Edinburgh City Centre Transformation. The concept design for George Street has been progressed by a design team led by Tetra Tech with LDA Landscape Design.

Further engagement will now commence with key groups, while the public will be able to provide feedback to help inform a final iteration of the design proposal before being brought to the transport and environment committee in April.

If approved, construction work could begin in 2023, with anticipated completion in 2025. It is expected to cost £32 million, with £20 million being provided by Transport Scotland via Sustrans.