COUNCILLORS in the Highlands have welcomed the progress being made on the largest increase in affordable housing in Lochaber since the mid 1970s.
A report from The Highland Council outlined a number of projects which could result in almost 350 new affordable homes being on site in April this year.
Interim chair of the Lochaber committee, councillor Alan Henderson, said, “The provision of affordable housing in Lochaber area is progressing well with a lot of good work going on. We’re informed that this is the largest housing programme in the area since the mid-1970s. This is a huge boost to those needing housing in the area and to the Lochaber economy. The list of new housing achievements by the Council and its partner housing associations is impressive and is providing much-needed affordable new homes in our communities.”
Councillor Ben Thompson, chair of The Highland Council’s housing and property committee, added, “It’s fantastic to see so many houses being built in Lochaber and not just in Fort William but particularly in the more rural and islands areas where the impact is providing massive benefit to local communities.”