FALKIRK Council has announced it is to invest £332 million in its housing stock over the next five years.
The local authority plans on delivering more than 600 new-build homes for rent in locations across the constituency, including in Hallglen, Bonnybridge, Denny, Banknock, Polmont, Bainsford, Stenhousemuir, Torwood and Langlees.
In 2021/22 alone, the council stated that it will spend £23.4 million on improvements to around 5,000 existing properties – with this including improvements to the fabric of buildings, re-roofing, roughcasting and replacing kitchens and bathrooms.
A further £7.9 million will be spent on energy efficiency works, with around 1,100 properties each year benefiting from new heating systems at a cost of £2 million as well as heating upgrades to three high rise blocks. Further work will also see a replacement to cladding at Glenfuir Court.
The local authority said that it will continue its programme of ‘buy backs’ of former council homes, with plans to purchase around 80 properties a year at a cost of £6 million.
Councillor Gordon Hughes, spokesperson for housing at Falkirk Council, said, “We have faced a really challenging year because of Covid-19 however we are aiming to deliver a really ambitious programme of work in the coming year for our 16,000 tenants.
“The rent we collect and other funding allows us to keep our properties at a high standard as well as planning new homes and allowing us to buy back properties.
“This programme of work will certainly help support the economic recovery with a £330m spend over the next five years.”