Aberdeen City Council continues with its biggest housing programme in half a century

Aberdeen (Image: Shutterstock)

PLANS have been launched for the build of 99 homes in the Kincorth area of Aberdeen as part of a major project delivering 2,000 new-build council houses across the city.

Aberdeen City Council said that the Craighill development aims to have homes of varying size and type alongside associated shared surface streetscape, parking, both public and private amenity and open spaces, and a generous proportion of the units being wheelchair accessible.

A planning application for the development has been submitted, with separate submissions from the local authority set to be put forward in the coming weeks for the build of 72 council homes in the Tillydrone area and 213 in Kincorth.

A spokesperson from Aberdeen City Council said, “The vision of the Aberdeen City Council housing programme is to create sustainable integrated communities and places, delivering affordable homes designed for life, which meet residents’ current and changing needs, supporting the wellbeing and resilience of our tenants.”

All homes in the programme are being designed to have a gold standard level of energy efficiency throughout, as well as low maintenance external amenity spaces which will look to encourage active travel. The programme itself is the biggest in Aberdeen for over 50 years.