RICS has issued new guidance for professionals operating in Scotland’s residential market to help them prepare for carrying out inspections on domestic properties following the Covid-19 lockdown period.
The move is intended to ensure services are delivered safely, consistently and in line with Scottish Government guidelines.
A relaxation on restrictions on housing moves is due to take effect from June 29.
This RICS document focuses on physical inspections where RICS members need to come into contact with people and enter private properties to undertake any activity required for the rental or sale of that property.
Surveyors can continue to support the housing market and home reports and other forms of surveys may continue as necessary, in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
Ana Bajri, associate director RICS said, “The housing market has a significant role to play in rebooting the economy, as well as enabling people to secure a home that meets their needs, and the health and safety of those involved is the foremost priority.
“RICS professionals and regulated firms have a duty of care to ensure services can be delivered safely. RICS’ guidance builds on government guidelines and will support and protect both professionals and consumers. It will help ensure that the housing market in Scotland operates safely and securely for all those involved, and that it operates very much within a practical, and common-sense approach.
“The guidance will help create confidence amongst consumers and others involved in the housing market that inspections can be carried out safely and will help ensure that the market can operate, for the benefit of consumers, the market and the wider economy.”