STAFF and office bearers at the electrical trade association SELECT have shown their support for the NHS and key workers by producing a new film for the weekly ‘Clap for our Carers’ event.
The isolated workers filmed themselves clapping in a compilation video that was screened on social media on Thursday 23 April at 8pm.
Among those taking part were SELECT president Kevin Griffin, vice-president Donald W Orr and office bearers Alex Guyan, Alistair Grant, David Smith, Jim Cooper, Graeme Anderson and Paul Erasmuson.
Also shown clapping while they work at home were SELECT MD Alan Wilson, director of technical services Dave Forrester, director of employment and skills Fiona Harper, director of resources John McGhee and director of membership and communications Iain Mason.
Mr Mason said, “We wanted to show our appreciation for everything the NHS and other key workers are doing throughout the Covid-19 outbreak, so we thought we would make a film that would help us join in the weekly national clapping event that’s been organised in their honour. Many of us know key workers working in the front line, so it seemed fitting for us to show our appreciation like this.”
Participants provided clips on their phones, which were edited together by Simon Organ of video production company Skills Player.
During the pandemic, SELECT has created a dedicated COVID-19 hub, offering advice to contractors. It is also a member of the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum.
- You can watch the clip here.