FINAL plans for the revamped Aberdeen market building and surrounding area will go before councillors at the end of this month with a recommendation to approve from Aberdeen City Council planners.
Images released by the developer, PATRIZIA, show how the area will provide a new pedestrian area and green civic space for public art installations and outdoor events. The new glass and granite building has been tipped to complement the adjacent buildings and become a ‘focal point’ for the surrounding streets.
The ground floors of the new building, facing Market Street, comprise a business lounge with retail, café and exhibition space connected to the outdoor seating and meeting areas. Further retail, café opportunities are provided to both Hadden Street and the Green. Further proposals include an underground car park, cycle storage and shower facilities.
The plans have been finalised following public consultation and discussions between the developer and the council’s planning team.
Shaun Hose, director of PATRIZIA said, “Working closely with Aberdeen City Council and a number of third party stakeholders, we have been evolving our plans for several months. The Council’s masterplanning, design and conservation team have been integral to the discussions and there is a shared desire to see a vast improvement on the current building and the surrounding public realm that will breathe new life into this part of the city centre.
“We are satisfied that we now have a final design which fits within the City Centre Masterplan and takes account of all the feedback and will offer a highly transformative, new destination that will breathe new life into this part of the city centre.”
Since the collapse of BHS in 2016, PATRIZIA has been exploring plans for the site.
Aberdeen Inspired, the city centre business improvement district which represents the interest of over 900 businesses is backing the planning application. Adrian Watson, Aberdeen Inspired’s chief executive explained, “This development fits well with the aspirations of the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and, if progressed, will be a real fillip for the heart of the city at a time when it is most needed.
“I think we all understand that we must get behind bold and ambitious projects of this nature which, in this case, offers the potential to regenerate a substantial area around Union Street, Market Street and The Green. The application has been discussed with many of our levy paying businesses and, to date, there has been overwhelming support for the proposals.”