Growing number of builders announce site shutdowns

SPRINGFIELD Properties, Persimmon, Barratt Developments, Taylor Wimpey, and Morgan Sindall are amongst the latest firms to have announced temporary closures on sites amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a statement, Springfield Properties’ chief executive, Innes Smith, wrote, “Following Nicola Sturgeon’s advice, we will be closing all sites, sales offices, kit factory and offices today. I am aware that Michael Gove has given conflicting advice. We know what the right thing is to do and we will do it. We want to help save lives we want to be on the right side of history.

“Today we are asking site managers to come in and make the sites safe and secure. This may take some labour but this work is essential and should be done. If we can hand over a house that is complete then we will but if we can’t then we can’t. We are basically pressing the pause button and we will be ready to press play again when it is right.”

In a follow up statement, Mr Smith confirmed that Springfield’s site staff, factory workers, fencers and office workers will be put on furlough, rather than redundancies or lay offs.

Barratt Developments said in a Tweet, “We have taken the decision to temporarily close our 400 offices and sites across the country. We are in the process of doing this safely and securely, as quickly as possible.”

Taylor Wimpey also made their announcement over Twitter, “The health and safety of our customers and employees is our no. 1 priority. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have taken the decision to close all of our show homes, sales centres, and construction sites for all work except that needed to make the sites safe and secure.”