PLANNING approval has been granted for the first phase of a new housing development in Jackton, South Lanarkshire.
CALA Homes (West) will now press ahead with plans to deliver 173 homes of varying sizes for the project, which forms part of an investment in the East Kilbride Community Growth Area (CGA).
The first phase is due to begin in June, and will be located south-east of Eaglesham Road.
All homes will feature a renewable energy solution such as either PV panels or hybrid air source heat pumps. Wider proposals include the delivery of integrated foot and cycle pathways.
Initial works are already underway on the construction of the first phase of a spine road to serve the whole site, eventually connecting through to Lindsayfield.
The first phase of homes is part of CGA plans for the delivery of around 1,950 homes from a consortium which also includes Lynch Homes and Abbey Developments. The consortium will deliver five play areas, green space and small-scale retail outlets. A new primary school developed and funded by South Lanarkshire Council is also included in the masterplan.
Fraser Dick, development manager at CALA Homes (West) said, “We’re pleased to have received a positive response from South Lanarkshire Council’s planning committee as we look to progress our housing plans for Jackton in earnest. The East Kilbride Community Growth Area (CGA) was adopted in 2009, so a lot of work has gone into reaching this point and we now look forward to providing what we believe is a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable first phase of development with high quality design principles and inclusivity firmly in mind.
“We plan to create an attractive neighbourhood with a distinct identity and well-designed spaces that will reflect our desire to maximise connectivity while enhancing landscape features that are equipped for people to live, work and play. We believe this first phase of housing will set a high standard for the next to follow, eventually realising approximately 400 new CALA homes for Jackton.”