ALLANWATER Homes has launched video fly-throughs of show-homes and house-types at its various developments throughout Scotland.
Accessible through a link on its website, the videos feature company accountant Jim Baxter, who explained, “My son Jon is a photographer, and had been asked to create the video fly-throughs of each of our show-homes, then moving onto each individual house-type as they are completed.
“I was always there to give him access to the properties. Then one day, when doing the magically opening door to let him walk in, I stood in front of the camera and said ‘Welcome to Allanwater Homes’. We decided to have a go at an estate-agency style showing, describing the features of each room as we went through the house.
“I put the idea to David Stirling, our managing director, and he said we should do one for every show-home and every house-type. Now we are gradually working our way through them, and I have to say that I am really enjoying the process which should hopefully result in informative videos for our prospective buyers!”
The process begins with Jon doing an initial glide through the house, looking for the best angles and pathways.
“Then he directs and produces, putting me into the best light or telling me where I’m getting it all wrong,” Jim added. “The on-site process takes about an hour. Then Jon edits the video, adding in captions and graphics, and finding a soundtrack to suit. That takes between five and six hours, he puts a great deal of work into each one.”
Jim shared an anecdote that resulted in a sale for Allanwater Homes.
“On one occasion our longest single shot required six ‘takes’. Each time something would go wrong. I would forget the words; a car would roar along the road; and then two people started looking through the windows. We called a halt and I went out to see the people and offered to show them around. Fifteen minutes later they were on their way to the sales office to reserve the plot! It was certainly an unexpected bonus, shall we say.”
Jim and Jon also made a Christmas video for Allanwater. “We secretly hoped it would go viral like one of the supermarket Christmas video stories,” Jim added. “It didn’t quite make it, but we have big plans for this year with many more videos to film. Perhaps I have now found my true vocation!”