Cruden Group recruits new batch of apprentices


CRUDEN Group has welcomed 13 new apprentices aged between 16 and 20, after narrowing down a list of 60 applicants.

The construction firm ran a series of tests and interviews to determine which candidates would best suit the programme.  Those selected will embark on a four-year-long modern apprenticeship programme in their chosen trade; the trades include joinery, painting, plumbing and bricklaying.

Cruden Group recruits over 80 apprentices each year, and say that they have a commitment to maximising local training and employment opportunities across Scotland.

Kevin Reid, chief executive of the Cruden Group, said, “We offer one of the most sought-after apprenticeship programmes in the industry and we are pleased to provide opportunities for young people right across the country. Through our Cruden Academy, we place a lot of emphasis on retaining and investing in our staff and we are proud to have a regular intake to our apprenticeship programme, employing the majority of our apprentices once they qualify.

“The construction industry is in the grip of a well-documented skills shortage and collectively we must secure a talented workforce that has the right motivation to future-proof this thriving industry.  Our ‘grow your own’ approach to training and development allows us to contribute directly this issue, ensuring Scotland’s construction industry retains a highly-skilled workforce”.

Two of this year’s new recruits, apprentice painter Caitlin MacGregor and apprentice joiner Caitlin Sheekey, spoke of their excitement in entering the industry.

Apprentice painter, Caitlin MacGregor, aged 20, said, “I love painting so I’m thrilled to be starting my apprenticeship Cruden and I’m looking forward to getting on site and being able to learn throughout my career.”

Apprentice joiner, Caitlin Sheekey, aged 20, added, “My family and friends are surprised but very proud that I’ve chosen to follow a career path into construction. I’m delighted to start working towards gaining such a valuable trade.”