ALAN Wilson has been elected vice-chair of the Scottish Building Contract Committee (SBCC).
The acting managing director of SELECT, the trade body for the electro-technical trade in Scotland, is said to be the first office bearer appointed who isn’t an RICS or RIAS member.
Alan said, “It’s a great honour to our organisation, as well as to our sister body, the Scottish Engineering Contractors Group, (SECG), to have been elected as vice-chair of SBCC.”
Lisa Cattanach, chair of the SBCC and a chartered surveyor who is also a director of Glasgow-based Contract Dispute Resolution added, “We have worked closely for some years with SELECT and SECG and have a high regard for their professionalism and abilities. In our view, the election of Alan to be our new vice-chair is a timely and appropriate development reflecting our due acknowledgement of his organisation.”