AN investment in landscaping is poised to connect two woods at the new community of Countesswells, Aberdeen.
Work on new pathways which will connect Countesswells Woods to Hazelhead Wood is due to begin, which will allow walkers, cyclists and horse riders to travel from one woodland to another.
£15 million has already been spent on infrastructure, including new roads and utilities, with more than £2 million spent on landscaping and green space at Countesswells. This includes the new Cults Burn park and burn, a children’s play park and community orchard.
Allan McGregor, project director for Countesswells said, “As the flowers, plants and trees planted over 12 months ago flourish in the unusually warm summer weather, we are making plans for the next stages of landscaping. The new sections of pathway will integrate the new community at Countesswells and connect directly with the existing path network that crosses through Hazelhead and Countesswells Woods. In agreement with the Forestry Commission, who own the woods, we will construct a new path within the Countesswells Woods to directly tie-into the development.
“This will remain as a natural pathway, to compliment the current terrain, and will attract more walkers, cyclists, equestrian riders and, of course, even more wildlife.”
The £800 million Countesswells community to the west of Aberdeen is being driven by Countesswells Development Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Stewart Milne Group.
Allan McGregor added, “Housebuilders will have a certain level of landscaping in their plans, but this is typically confined to the gardens and streetscapes associated with the new homes. The difference with Countesswells is the substantial upfront investment in creating an established environment that when the new residents move in, they have immediate access to a thriving, natural bio-diverse environment that promotes health, well-being and a direct connection with nature.”
CHAP Homes was recently confirmed as the fourth developer at the new community, joining Stewart Milne Homes, Kirkwood Homes and Barratt Homes in developing properties for the site.