Glasgow conference to debate major industry issues

THE Scottish Building Federation (SBF) has described its annual conference as a “unique opportunity” for the nation’s builders to debate how to “survive and thrive” in a changing construction sector.

The event takes place at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel on Friday March 16. The SBF said the conference will look at opportunities emerging from the modernisation agenda and address a range of issues and trends including procurement, digitisation, offsite manufacturing and legislation.

Attendees will hear from representatives from the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and Zero Waste Scotland.

Scottish Building Federation managing director Vaughan Hart said, “Over the past 12 months, there have been many events spanning the economy, politics and society which have had a direct or indirect impact on Scottish construction. In a climate of continuing economic and political uncertainty, there are likely to be many more such developments over the year ahead.

“Against that backdrop, we want to give everyone in the industry a chance to debate the key issues affecting our industry and to consider what they need to do not only to survive but to thrive within a rapidly changing business environment. This major conference will explore how, by working together more collaboratively, we can maximise the opportunity to reduce inherent waste, improve productivity, increase margins and ultimately place the industry on a sustainable long-term footing.

”The conference is free to attend so I would encourage anyone with an interest in Scottish construction to come along and take the opportunity to debate the issues that really matter for the long term future of our industry.”

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