THE Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland has welcomed housing measures announced in the draft Scottish budget.
Derek Mackay MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Constitution, reiterated the Scottish Government’s commitment to deliver 50,000 new affordable homes.
Annie Mauger, executive director of the CIH in Scotland said, “As part of today’s budget announcement, we strongly welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to invest £743 million next year towards meeting its target of delivering 50,000 new affordable homes over the lifetime of the current Scottish Parliament.
“It was also encouraging to hear reconfirmation of the Scottish Government’s commitment to create a £50 million ‘Ending Homelessness Together’ fund and to target this funding in accordance with the recommendations of the homelessness and rough sleeping action group. CIH Scotland will continue to feed into the work of this important group to enable it to make a real difference.
“In particular, we would highlight the significant success of Housing First initiatives across Scotland and the UK, as demonstrated by a special report recently published by CIH Scotland. Our hope is that the Scottish Government, guided by the homelessness and rough sleeping action group, will look seriously at further Housing First initiatives as a potential target for investment of the ‘Ending Homelessness Together’ fund over the forthcoming year.
“With the recent acquisition of significant new powers, we also look forward to the Scottish Government’s future policy on social security beginning to take shape next year with the creation of a new Social Security Agency. CIH Scotland has consistently highlighted the negative impact of certain aspects of welfare reform on the housing sector and we look forward to working with the Scottish Government to deliver a social security system that has dignity and respect at its heart.”