Livingston-based Esh Border Construction will be inviting potential partners to ‘Meet The Buyer’ next month in Uphall.
Suppliers and subcontractors are being invited to the Macdonald Houstoun House event on Tuesday 3rd November for the opportunity to build new and existing business relationships with Esh Border Construction across its Scottish operation.
Esh Border Construction, part of Esh Group, is looking for expertise in construction work to service the Social Housing, Civil Engineering, Commercial Build and Facility Services sectors.
The construction specialist is keen to expand its base of suppliers with a view to developing enduring collaborative partnerships in 2016, while thanking those it has worked closely with throughout the past year.
Those attending will find out about products and services which are required by the business in support of the delivery of new and future projects. The event will give them the opportunity to speak on a one-to-one basis with representatives from the company’s delivery arms, including members of the procurement and operations teams.
Interested parties are asked to register their interest in the free-to-attend event by emailing: MeetTheBuyer@esh.uk.com
The last ‘Meet The Buyer’ event took place at Murrayfield last year, and the company is hoping to repeat that success.
John Moore, Construction Director for Scotland, said, “We’re very much looking forward to welcoming faces old and new at Macdonald Houstoun House on 3rd November. We’ll be looking to say a big thank you to those we’ve worked alongside during the past year, and developing fresh and exciting relationships for 2016.
“Esh Border Construction has a strong culture of working with suppliers and sub-contractors, and we are keen to further expand our supplier base. We think that our ‘Meet The Buyer’ event is the perfect platform for doing that.
“We underlined our commitment to Scotland earlier this year with the opening of our Livingston base, and we are now planning to continue to grow the business throughout Scotland. We firmly believe that a major part of any company’s success is its partners, so we really hope many businesses will take up our offer, take the time to come and introduce themselves, and discuss how best we can work together in the future.”