Combined Glasgow/Edinburgh Thrive event

The next Thrive for Property Club meeting takes place on Wednesday 15th July at The Corinthian Club, Glasgow from 12pm – 2pm.

The VIP speakers are Kirstin Taylor, Director, LDA Design and Brian McArthur, Director, AHR Global.

This will be a combined event for Property clubs in both Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Delegates will be invited to introduce themselves to the whole group in the form of a Magic Minute; who you are, what your organisation does and most importantly any business contacts you are looking for (two to three companies or sectors). Speakers booked will then deliver a short talk or presentation with a facilitated Q&A session.

The event wraps up with individual Contributions which is an invitation to respond to the Magic Minute requests with any referrals you may be in a position to make and indicate who you wish to follow up with.

Complimentary places are available. For more information please contact Agnese Penke 0131 526 3107 or email