SPEAKERS have been confirmed for this year’s Scottish Building Contract Committee’s (SBCC) conference, which will be held at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow on Thursday 27 November.
This year discussion will focus on the future of the construction sector and consider the procurement review from the perspectives of the Deputy Chair of the Review, architect, contractor and surveyor. The programme also includes an update on SBCC contracts and a legal update, sessions on arbitration, CDM and lessons learned from past economic recoveries.
The speakers include Stephen Good, the newly appointed CEO of the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre. The other outstanding speakers are Shona Frame (MacRoberts), Ken Lewandowski (Deputy Chair of the Procurement Review), Donald MacDonald (Ogilvie Construction Ltd), Willie Watt (Nicoll Russell Studios) Susan Hanley (RICS Regional Training Advisor Scotland), Brandon Malone (Chairman, Scottish Arbitration Centre), James Ritchie, (Association for Project Safety), Charles McGregor (Simpson and Marwick) and Peter Hibberd (Chair, JCT).
For more information, contact Janet Nixon, SBCC Ltd, 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH1 2BE, telephone number 0131 221 7507, email: info@sbcconline.com