Eco-Bond flat roof insulation from EcoTherm


The excellent thermal performance of Eco-Bond flat roof insulation from EcoTherm has been utilised in a £30 million scheme to revitalise a former council estate in Mile End, London.

The Bede Estate was purchased by social landlords EastendHomes in 2005 and the firm worked together with developers Telford Homes and ECD Architects to produce a new estate master plan. The work focused on the construction of 25 infill blocks, offering a range of new housing options and helping to reshape the estate, creating space for play areas and pedestrian routes. EcoTherm Eco-Bond was specified as part of the warm roof build-ups on nine of the new infill blocks, helping them to meet the desired U-value of 0.20 W/m2.K with a far thinner solution than some traditional insulation materials would’ve allowed.