SCOTLAND’S 2020 Climate Group has launched 14 bold activities for 2014, which were identified as priority areas.
The Group, which was set up in 2009, was formed to bring the private, public and third sectors together, to address the Scottish Government’s plan to reduce carbon emissions by 42% by 2020 through its collaborative philosophy. The Group has 140 members across 100 Scottish businesses and organisations.
The 14 activities include the Convention of Parties (COP) 2015 in Paris. Victoria Barby, Project Director of the Group said, “The Group will identify a range of key practical business examples of adapting and implementing transformational sustainable business practices. In collaboration with a range of key business leaders, it will prepare and publish a route-map blueprint document from Scotland’s business community to go to the COP in 2015, showcasing the collaborative nature of the 2020 Group.”
Ian Marchant, chair of the Group said, “Our whole economy was built upon high carbon consumption, a path that has put the world under stress. We need to change the way people think, buy, build and live their lives, to a low-consumption society. Society must make this journey together.
“However, many businesses and organisations are struggling with that adjustment, looking at what disruption it will cause rather than opportunities it can give them. This is why we have a call to action. We all have to find our role in addressing the challenges of climate change, and for businesses this can definitely lead to positive opportunities.”