A former hostel in the centre of Aberdeen is being demolished to make way for a facility to help the homeless.
Victoria House in West North Street, which has been empty for a number of years, will be redeveloped to create 20 flats and 20 supported units. Contractor Hunter Demolition is on site and expects to have the area cleared for redevelopment by the end of March.
The new unit will consist of a three-storey block of supported accommodation for homeless people, providing 20 bedsits with en-suite shower facilities. A six-storey block will provide 20 flats in a secure environment. Completion is expected by July 2014.
Councillor Neil Cooney, convener of the housing and environment committee, hailed the start of the demolition work a major milestone. He said: “All unintentionally homeless households are now entitled to settled accommodation and temporary accommodation is being made available to all households who require it.
“This flagship development of 40 units of accommodation will ensure that we are there to continue to prevent or alleviate homelessness.”
Also in Aberdeen, the contract for the structural demolition of the city council’s former headquarters St Nicholas House has been won by Safedem Ltd.
The finance and resources committee unanimously approved the contract.