Modular specialist begins community engagement programme in West Lothian

L-R: Gordon Seath, Technical Manager at CM, Steven Morrison,
Faculty Director West Lothian College, Jennifer Higgins, CEO at CM,
Ewan Kelly, CM’s Site Manager at Almondvale Crescent

MODULAR construction specialist Connect Modular recently visited The Alex Linkston Skills Centre for Sustainable Living at West Lothian College, in the first of many engagement activities lined up with the further and higher education provider.

West Lothian College is situated adjacent to West Lothian Council’s housing development at Almondvale Crescent, where Connect Modular is currently delivering 49 units of new-build housing, having been appointed as the main construction contractor by the council’s development partner, Hub South East.

CEO Jennifer Higgins said, “At Connect Modular we take immense pride in our community engagement work and it is important to us that we deliver meaningful activities, offering genuine value to the participants. We were delighted when we reached out to the construction department at West Lothian College and our offer to collaborate was warmly received.

“Together, we have coordinated a broad range of activities including today’s knowledge-sharing visit to the ECO House, Skills Centre for Sustainable Living. Over the course of the next year, we will deliver a series of guest lectures, site visits, work experience placements and will even welcome students for a tour of Connect Modular’s 120,000 sq ft manufacturing facility, where they can see the Almondvale Crescent houses under construction.

“We are passionate about our modular construction method, and this is a great opportunity to educate the next generation about its many benefits from sustainability to build quality and speed of delivery.

“Visiting the ECO House in Livingston was a wonderful experience. We were very impressed by what we saw and heard, and we hope the input of our colleagues proved to be helpful to the college. We look forward to returning to the college again to deliver our first guest lecture on modular construction.”

Steven Morrison, West Lothian College’s faculty director, added, “This partnership enhances the practical experience our students gain through their course and working in our learning environments on campus. Connect Modular’s expertise in sustainable construction techniques provides our students with invaluable insights into cutting-edge modular building practices.”

West Lothian College is one of multiple stakeholders identified by Connect Modular in its community benefits proposal for the Almondvale Crescent contract. The offsite contractor is also planning to work in collaboration with West Lothian Council apprentices, local schools and a youth project.

Kathryn Geekie, Hub South East’s social impact and supply chain manager, said, “Key to the success of Hub projects is agreeing, in partnership with clients, bespoke outcomes for social impact in their particular area. We develop targets and drive these to deliver maximum positive benefits, ensuring a lasting legacy long after construction is complete. It’s fantastic to see Connect Modular making positive links with the local community and we look forward to seeing these further develop, offering a range of opportunities locally as the project progresses.”