Housebuilder creates a buzz with ‘bee hotel’ donation in Aberdeen

Bee hotel, Hazlehead Primary

TO celebrate World Bee Day and help provide suitable nesting sites for the winged insects, housebuilder Dandara has donated ‘bee hotels’ to Hazlehead Primary School in Aberdeen, near to the firm’s west end development, The Grange.

World Bee Day serves to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to sustainable development.

As not all bee species make and live in colonies, bee hotels are designed to offer a safe shelter in which solitary bees can lay their eggs. The ones donated by Dandara will be installed in the gardens of Hazlehead Primary.

Headteacher Barbara Jones said, “Encouraging the pupils to learn more about biodiversity is always an important part of our teaching aims here at Hazlehead Primary School. The bee hotels have provided a great talking point to chat about the conversation of native species right at our doorstep.”

Claire Bathgate, head of sales at Dandara Aberdeen, added, “We hope our donation to Hazlehead Primary School will encourage pupils to develop an interest in bees, nature, and the environment. Dandara is committed to enhancing and maintaining local biodiversity, as reflected in our work towards providing a net biodiversity gain at all new developments.

“With around 35 species of bee currently under the threat of extinction, we hope this provision of shelter for bees in the local area will provide a fun and exciting way for pupils to learn about and help preserve biodiversity in their community.”